Our Portfolio
MineCraft Consulting has been providing services to Australian Coal Mines for over 25 years. Some of the clients we have completed projects for are shown below.
South Blakefield, NSW
GlencorePrincipal Consultant for mine feasibility study and approvals for this high capacity UG LW mine in the Hunter Valley, NSW.
Grasstree, Qld
Anglo AmericanMining Consultant for the mine feasibility study and project development phase of this UG LW mine in the Bowen Basin, Qld.
Ulan, NSW
GlencorePrincipal Consultant for mine feasibility study and approvals for expansion to a new 400m wide LW face to an existing mine in the Hunter Valley, NSW.
Macmines Austasia, Qld
Macmines AustasiaPrincipal Consultant for mine concept designs, EIS technical support, cost estimation and infrastructure designs for a new combined open cut and multi UG mine complex in the Galilee Basin, Qld
Kayuga, NSW
Anglo AmericanMining Consultant for the mine design, feasibility study and project approvals of this UG LW mine in the Hunter Valley, NSW.
Dawson, Qld
Anglo AmericanOwners Engineer for the mine expansion and project management of major infrastructure and sustaining projects for this large open cut mine in the Bowen Basin, Qld.
Pedirka Project, NT
Tri Star EnergyPrincipal Consultant for mine concept study and strategic project development for a potential large scale open cut mining complex in the Pedirka Basin, NT.
Crinum, Qld
BHP BillitonSite project management services for the Crinum Nth mine. Pre-feasibility study for the proposed Crinum M Block mine in the Bowen Basin, Qld.
Groundhog, Canada
Atrum CoalConcept mine designs, project development services and pre-feasibility study components for this proposed UG mine in British Columbia, Canada.
Oaky Creek, Qld
GlencoreMulti disciplinary consulting services to support ongoing operations and mine expansion for this combined UG mining complex including mine planning, options analysis, benchmarking, longwall equipment replacement, conveyor analysis and ventilation assessment. Bowen Basin, Qld.
Baoan Mine, Shanxi
Shanxi Coal TCMine safety system audit, performance review and gas drainage systems analysis of this UG LW mine in Shanxi Province, China.
Narrabri Mine, NSW
Whitehaven CoalMine operational support including productivity improvement, LW equipment audits, mine extension planning and approvals.
Metropolitan, NSW
Peabody MineMulti disciplinary consulting services for the proposed mine expansion including new mine access, ventilation upgrade, coal clearance upgrade, process plant and handling upgrade, UG placement of rejects and JORC statement for this UG coal mine in the Illawarra Basin, NSW.
Eagle Downs, Qld
Eagle Downs Joint VentureEngineering consultancy services during the pre-feasibility and feasibility study phases including tendering for all UG equipment and services for this proposed UG LW mine in the Bowen Basin, Qld.
Kestrel Extended, Qld
Rio TintoMulti disciplinary consulting services during the feasibility study and project development phases including independent technical review and site project management services for this new mine in the Bowen Basin, Qld.
Kestrel South, QLD
Kestrel Coal ResourcesIndependent reviews for financiers, Preparation of strategic plan and Review of operating and capital cost forecasts.